Please use current guidelines available on the UHNM intranet for patient treatment

Table 1: Breastfeeding assessment


Category at 10 min



  • Offered breast: not interested, remained sleepy
  • Full top-up (preferably EBM)


  • Interested in feeding: licking and nuzzling, but does not latch
  • Full top-up (preferably EBM)


  • Latches, has few sucks then comes off breast
    • repeats pattern for several minutes/falls asleep within few minutes of latching
  • Full top-up (preferably EBM)



  • Latches, starts sucking and swallowing but:
    • sucking is shallow for most of feed (>2 suck/sec)
    • short sucking bursts
    • long pauses (mum feels need to encourage to restart sucking)
  • Half–full top-up (preferably EBM) – depending on weight gain, milk supply and wet and dirty nappies
  • If receiving phototherapy/excessive weight loss – give full top-up


  • Latches well
  • Rhythmic sucking and swallowing (see below)
  • Feed duration 5–10 min
  • Half top-up (preferably EBM)
    • consider not topping-up if mother is available for next feed
  • If score A–E at next feed: offer top-up feed as indicated above
  • If receiving phototherapy/excessive weight loss – give full top-up


  • Effective latch and rhythmic sucking and swallowing (see below)
  • Duration 10–40 min/breast
    • >1 breast may be taken
  • Second breast can be offered, but no top-up required provided:
    • wakes naturally to feed ≥8 times/day
    • expected number and colour of wet and dirty nappies
    • gaining weight (weight check every 48 hr)
    • milk supply increasing


Signs of effective breastfeeding

  • Effective latch
    • latches within few seconds of trying, with wide open
    • mouth
    • no nipple pain after 10–20 sec
    • chin pressed against breast
    • head tipped back slightly, nose lightly touching breast
    • some areola seen above top lip, but not below bottom lip
    • rounded cheeks (not sucked in)
    • remains attached throughout feed
    • nipple looks rounded (not pinched) at end of feed
  • Rhythmic sucking and swallowing
    • rapid sucks (≥2 sucks/sec) at first, slowing to regular bursts of rhythmic sucking
    • deep jaw drops (1 suck/sec) before brief pause for most of feed 
  • Eyes open at start of feed 
  • Remains calm and relaxed as feed progresses
  • Baby removes self from breast when no longer wants milk, and looks relaxed and sleepy

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