Please use current guidelines available on the UHNM intranet for patient treatment

The need to call for consultant support may vary with the experience of the staff involved. This guideline suggests scenarios where advice of a consultant should normally be sought, however the list is not exhaustive, consultant advice should be sought any time that the junior medical team and/or experienced nurses feel the need for support

Initiate life saving measures, e.g. intubation, before informing consultant

* Consultant normally expected to attend in person

Before birth

  • Delivery <27 weeks’ gestation*
  • Unexpected birth of baby with congenital diaphragmatic hernia*
  • If stated in neonatal alert form/antenatal MDT plan 

During resuscitation

  • No heart beat at 5 min/continuing resuscitation at 10 min*
  • Request of consultant obstetrician


  • <28 weeks’ gestation
  • Ex-utero intensive care transfer
  • Cord pH <7.0 and/or 10 min Apgar score <6
  • Suspected subgaleal haemorrhage


  • FiO2 >0.6 with/without respiratory support
  • Baby who has required endotracheal ventilation (do not wait for consultant before intubating and initiating ventilation)
  • Anticipated need for HFOV
  • PPHN likely to need nitric oxide*
  • Continuing hypotension despite volume expansion and dobutamine and dopamine*
  • Seizures
  • Neonatal encephalopathy requiring therapeutic hypothermia
  • Severe jaundice 
    • bilirubin above exchange level 
    • bilirubin rising >8.5 micromol/L/hr despite intensive phototherapy
  • Major deterioration 
  • Baby with ambiguous genitalia/disorder of sexual development
  • Major congenital anomaly without antenatal plan 
  • Renal failure with serum K+ >7 mmol/L or Na+ <120 mmol/L
  • Known subgaleal haemorrhage with haemodynamic instability needing volume or blood products replacement*
  • Unexpected death*
  • Initiation of, or unexpected withdrawal of, intensive care*
  • Escalation level requiring in-utero or ex-utero transfers out or refusals from other units 
  • Middle grade doctor and nursing team cannot agree management plan for baby 
  • Inability immediately to site essential line*


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